Welcome to muad.com !
- To play the Middle Earth game nothing beats MeToo, in order to manage one's nation and orders through the web ! Now available in downloadable version !
- Go check the sound of Wax ;) Many songs free to download !
- I completed the prototype version of Megalo, a political game of strategy and action. Download it for a try ! There's a complete tutorial, and you play with a simple mouse.
- If you are interested in history, I typed my grandfather war book (in french) on the first World War of 1914-18, where he volunteered at age 17. Have a look and read it !
- I also put a small site for all my pictures from around the world.
- There is also all my graphic novels presentation around here now, in a more convenient site.
- The online games are still around here, go play Moria !
Animal of the day

This image is copyright HumanDescent
Go have a look at my elder (but nice !) homepage The Academy.
-Updated 10th april 2008-
Muad Dib