MeToo : Middle-Earth Tool for Overcoming Opposition

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What is MeToo ?

This is an online tool, developped in php, designed for playing with the Middle-Earth Play by Mail.

Check out Middle Earth for the US or Terre du Milieu for France.

Its goal is to give a global view of the current strategic situation, locating towns, armies and heroes.

Who is MeToo ?

This tool was developped by Fabrice Cambounet.

Key Features

  • It can extract any useful information from a turn feedback of the game, and save it to be displayed on the general map.

  • It can gather all turn feedbacks from a group of player, to share the information they want to share.

  • It can plot enemy positions (captured towns, armies, heroes).

  • It calculates the balance of power in each region.

  • Other features...